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Film & Sound

From the Other Side

From the Other Side

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From the Other Side

is a short film about self-image, beauty standards, and societal pressures. Narrated from the perspective of a mirror and featuring individuals from diverse ethnicities and ages, it aims to convey a message of self-love and the embrace oneself.

The film has won the Best Fiction Award at Dawson's Media Night in fall 2020.

For full details about the project, visit From the Other Side.

Aesthetic anime cooking ramen with sound effects
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This piece is a sound design project that tells the story of cooking ramen. It features clips from 2 different Japanese animated movies. All sound effects originate from over 20 found footages and 4 self-recorded audios (all credits are listed in the description).


This work expresses the beauty and details of cooking that we usually do not notice when we are rushing to cook with the loud kitchen fan on.

Since its publication, the video has accumulated over 1 million views on YouTube. For full details about the video, visit the reflection.

Film & Sound


Forms of Water



From Yellow to Gold

Short film script

4970 words



A young Asian woman battles prejudice and xenophobia in her daily life and career path, causing her to gradually reject her Asian identity due to fear of rejection from society.


Ying dreams to become a successful actress, but society is unwelcoming to her Asian traits. As a result, she rejects her roots. With the coronavirus hitting the city, xenophobic events occur more than ever. This is the story of a young woman's struggles to find her identity and self-worth amidst a prejudiced society.


How my Parents Taught Me to Hate Myself

Creative nonfiction essay

1025 words


Growing up with a conservative and close-minded paternal family, I was faced with harsh criticism since a young age, as it is often believed to help "keep children humble and stimulate their self-improvement" among Asian communities. Little did I know that those remarks would damage my self-esteem until I reached adulthood and had to face the consequences. This is a narrative reflection on the parenting I received and the realization of a reality beyond what I was taught as a little girl.



Short film script

1730 words



A young child attempts to escape the cruelty of interspecies relationships and the merciless destiny that awaits him.


An unnamed boy and his mother are kidnapped and sent to a concentration camp. Upon their arrival, they are separated and confronted by the inhumane treatments of reality. Maintaining his innocence and optimism, the boy tries to reunite with his mother and reclaim their freedom, but time is limited.


​​Perle édénique de l'étranger


340 words


Inspired by Invitation to the Voyage by French poet Charles Baudelaire, this poem follows the similar themes of exoticism and the beauty of a woman, by combining both concepts.

It tells the story of a male explorer who discovers the beauty of an exotic island, portrayed as a female figure. The poem is implicitly sensual and suggestive using symbols and personifications to represent the island as a virgin woman. The male character falls in love with her and deflowers her. However, the denouement is not revealed: the man could cherish her, exploit her, or leave her; it is open to the reader's interpretation.

Sa jambe s’enfonçant dans le sable ardent,

Le courant de l’océan caressant son habillement.

Devant lui, une île plus séduisante qu’Ogygie,

Si luxuriante, que même un sultan en serait épris.


Une jungle immaculée s’éployait à ses pas,

Le parfum des lys dorés envoutait son odorat.

La fraîcheur des frangipaniers s’entremêlait à l’air humide,

La suavité des vanilliers l’alléchait d’une soif avide.

Une lagune parut au sein des sarments,

Où entendit-il, sous son halètement

Le murmure d’une cascatelle affluant,

Le pépiement des calopsittes perchées,

Le piaillement de chimpanzés éloignés

Et le sifflement des insectes recelés.


Il se prosterna tendrement devant le liman

Et s’enivra à profusion de la source de pureté,

Ne cessant que lorsqu’il s’étouffa d’un flot écumant

Et reprit son imprégnation dans ce paradis de volupté.



Women in Front and Behind the Camera

is a research oral about female characters in films and women's roles behind the scenes. It covers the gender bias and injustices in the industry. This was a Research-Creation assignment in Film Theory class in winter 2020.

Hayao Miyazaki

is one of the most influential figures in the history of animation. This is a research oral about his views as an artist, his attention to details, and his worldbuilding techniques. This was a Creative Research assignment in Integrating Activity class in winter 2021.

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